Increasing the
value of your Power BI

Download Mercury Dashboard v1.1.2 for free and blow the minds of your customers 😜

10 x 2 Dashboards

Awesome multipurpose bundle

4 Slicers

Including Calendar and Search

5 Charts

Range, Radial, Smooth lines etc.

5 Cards

Pixel Perfect and Performance

Power Table

With Paging and Responsiveness

Styling options like you've never seen before.

Power Styles provide an amazing opportunity to do what seems impossible in standard visuals.

Power Styles

is the most common thing we hear when we show someone our Power BI dashboards.

Explore and learn more about Power Styling processing on custom visuals.

Custom Visuals Set

15 Unique Visuals to make amazing Dashboards

Responsive Table with Power Styles, Pagination and more

Power Styles

Full Components including image, icon, progress, badge, link etc.

Light and Dark

One button to change visual design for dark and light dashboards


Activate Pagination with options: Items per page, Button Size and Alignment

Row Selection

Activate Row Selection to Cross-filter Visuals or leave a hover


Inside or Outside Header looks great and goes well with different layouts

Other options

Formats for borders (on/off), column titles (on/off), text (size, bold) etc.

Value Splitter Card Visual

An excellent way to separate composite values. A great alternative to pie/donat charts.

  • Light and Dark mode
  • Bar Colors options (Auto, Single and for the Item)
  • Bars Height Option
  • Tooltips on Hover with Value, Category and Percent options
  • Legend (show or hide) with Marker, Value and Percent options
  • Header Inside or Outside option

Multi Card with 3 Rows, Image and Swiper

Awesome Multipurpose Visual for many usage cases. Works based on measure categorization.

  • Multi cards are created automatically using the category field
  • Power Styles Full Features
  • Light and Dark mode
  • 3 Rows with Multiple Measures
  • Option to add Images (blog or gallery view).
  • Separator Symbols for Measures in each Row
  • Swiper Activation with options: Autoplay, Infinity Loop and Speed.
  • Minimum and Maximum Width options with swiper disabled
  • Horizontal and Vertical orientation with swiper disabled
  • Vertical and Horizontal Alignment on each Row
  • Text Size option for each Row

Big Card Visual with 3 Rows and Background Options

Works without categorization - measure values (aggregates) are visualized.

  • Power Styles Full Features
  • Gradient, Solid or Transparent Background
  • Gradient "From" and "To" Color option and 8 Directions predefined
  • 3 Rows with Multiple Measures
  • Option to add Image (to the left or right of the main values)
  • Image Shape, Opacity and Max Width options
  • Separator Symbols for Measures in each Row
  • Vertical and Horizontal Alignment on each Row
  • Text Color option for Each Row

Progress Card

A Simple but Powerful Progress card with Target and Actual measures.

  • Only two measures are required - Target and Actual.
  • Light and Dark mode
  • Option to display the Target value
  • Option to display the Actual and Target value Separator (text, symbol etc.)
  • Option to display Value Suffix (e.g. units or period)
  • Option to display the Name of the Target value (under the progress bar)
  • Option to display Actual value Name (top right)
  • Option to add a FontAwesome icon by entering its Name and Size
  • Formatting of numbers - Automatic or Predefined.
  • Setting the Color theme (Icon and Progressbar) + Conditional formatting
  • Option to display Achievement when Hovering over the Bar

Simple Card

A tiny one-measure card with interesting options.

  • Single Measure Widget
  • Name-Value or Value-Name displaying option
  • Colored or Light/Dark mode
  • Gradient, Solid or Transparent Background for Colored mode
  • Gradient "From" and "To" Color option and 8 Directions predefined
  • Value and Name Colors in Colored mode
  • Option to add a FontAwesome icon by entering its Name, Color and Size (to the right)
  • Icon Background option
  • Bold text option

Calendar Slicer

Very useful Multi Calendar Slicer - perfect alternative to standard range date slicer

  • Multi Calendar Slicer (up to 10)
  • Light and Dark mode
  • Single or Range Date selectoin
  • Reset Selection button
  • Header Inside or Outside option
  • Change Header and All member name ("Selected Dates: All")
  • Text Size option for Header

List Slicer with Power Styles and Values

Awesome Multipurpose Visual for many usage cases. Works based on measure categorization.

  • Two Columns (value is optional) List Slicer
  • Power Styles Full Features
  • Light and Dark mode
  • Display Category name (on top)
  • Multi or Single Selection.
  • Shadows option
  • Bold Text option

Tab Slicer with Power Styles

A simple multi-purpose slicer in the format of a horizontal menu (navigation) with some Power Styles.

  • One-column tab style Slicer
  • Power Styles Image and Icon components
  • Light and Dark mode
  • Multi or Single Selection
  • Align Buttons option (6 presets)
  • Select All and Select None buttons option

Donut Chart with animations

A very stylish Donut Chart with a Header, Footer, Legend and Cross-filtering.

  • Drill Down enabled
  • Light and Dark mode
  • Animated Bars and Numbers option
  • Bar Colors options (Auto, Single and for the Item)
  • Legend (show or hide) with Value and Percent options
  • Legend position and alignment options (top/bottom/left/right, start/center/end)
  • Data Labels option (circle center) in value or percent
  • Data labels Show Category option
  • Data labels Show only on hover option
  • Data Labels Total member text
  • Header Inside or Outside option
  • Footer with Text Size and Horizontal Alignment option

Timeline Bar Chart

Useful when you need to display events over time, for example when managing projects.

  • Light and Dark mode
  • Animated Bars option
  • Bar Colors option (Auto, Single)
  • Data Labels option (on bars)
  • Data labels Show Event Name and Duration option
  • Data labels text Color option
  • Tooltips Show option
  • Tooltip Show Event Name and Duration option
  • Tooltip Show Event Start/End option
  • X Axis (dates) and Y Axis (events name) option
  • Header Inside or Outside option

Radial Chart with Bar and Numbers animation

Multi-measure Radial Chart taking Percentage values as input

  • Light and Dark mode
  • Animated Bars and Numbers option
  • Cross-filtration by Click on sections
  • Bar Colors options (Auto, Single and for the Item)
  • Legend (show or hide) with Value and Percent options
  • Legend position and alignment options (top/bottom/left/right, start/center/end)
  • Data Labels option (circle center) in percent
  • Data labels Show Measure name option
  • Data labels Show only on hover option
  • Header Inside or Outside option
  • Footer with Text Size and Horizontal Alignment option

Line and Area Chart with Smooth Curves and Sparkline Option

Multi-measure Line chart with Drill Down and Reach Options

  • Smooth Curves Chart
  • Drill Down enabled
  • Full Scale Chart or Sparkline (minimal) option
  • Line or Area Chart option
  • Line Shadows option
  • Light and Dark mode
  • Series Color option (Auto, Single and for the measure)
  • Legend (show or hide) with Marker options
  • Legend Hide and Highlight series on Click and Hover
  • Markers on Series option
  • Data Labels with density and first/last label option
  • Tooltips (show) with Category Name option
  • X Axis wrap labels on Drill Down option
  • Header Inside or Outside option

Column Chart

Multi-measure Column chart with Drill Down and Reach Options

  • Drill Down enabled
  • Light and Dark mode
  • Bars Round option (light, full and none)
  • Bars Background option
  • Bars Animation option
  • Series Color option (Auto, Single and for the measure)
  • Legend (show or hide) with Marker options
  • Hide and Highlight series on Legend Click and Hover
  • Data Labels with horizontal and vertical option
  • Tooltips (show) with Category Name option
  • X Axis wrap labels on Drill Down option
  • Header Inside or Outside option

Dashboards Set

17 Thematic Dashboards to make your customers happy

Sales Dashboard

Building Sales Dashboard Tutorial

Start working with Mercury Dashboard for Power BI that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect.

Projects Dashboard

Start working with Mercury Dashboard for Power BI that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect.

CRM Dashboard

Start working with Mercury Dashboard for Power BI that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect.

IT Company Dashboard

Start working with Mercury Dashboard for Power BI that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect.

Personal Finance Dashboard

Start working with Mercury Dashboard for Power BI that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect.

Teacher Dashboard

Start working with Mercury Dashboard for Power BI that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect.

Student Dashboard

Start working with Mercury Dashboard for Power BI that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect.

Travel Agency Dashboard

Start working with Mercury Dashboard for Power BI that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect.

Blog Dashboard

Start working with Mercury Dashboard for Power BI that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect.

Personal Tasks Dashboard

Start working with Mercury Dashboard for Power BI that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect.

Our Comfortable Rates

Start working with Mercury Dashboards that can provide everything you need to generate leads, orders, and successful sales.

Buy Now v1.1.2
$ 0
  • All Dashboards and Visuals
  • Power Styles Enabled
  • No Formatting Options
  • No Updates
  • ♾️ Using
Try it now
$ 99 $ 299

September offer!

  • All Dashboards and Visuals
  • Power Styles Enabled
  • All Formatting Options
  • Free Updates
  • 1 License For 1 Customer
  • ♾️ Users For 1 Customer
Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a set of ready-made Power BI report pages. Each page has a dashboard report with several visuals. Each dashboard is made on custom visuals developed specifically for this dashboard bundle.

Dashboards are designed in such a way that you don't need a designer, layout designer, or UI/UX specialist. You just need to choose visuals from dozens of use cases. Custom visuals are made in thematic design with a common style, which allows you to implement a variety of projects with excellent pixel-perfect quality.

Especially for each bundle, our specialists developed set of unique custom visuals, including slicers, charts, cards, tables and more. We don't use visuals from the standard set of Power BI (but you can of course add them to your project). Dashboards can use built-in elements such as shapes, images, buttons etc.

After the purchase, you will download the PRO version of the bundle. It includes a PBIX file containing several pages, each of which has a dashboard, as well as a ZIP file containing all visuals (PBIVIZ files) for these dashboards.

We deliberately went to save the user from the unsuccessful use of our visuals in their projects. Therefore, a set of our visuals can only be purchased as part of the dashboard bundle. Trust our experience - your customers will be much more willing to purchase BI development when they see your demos from our dashboards 😉

When purchasing a PRO license, you can unlimitedly use these custom visuals and dashboards in your organization for any number of users.
If you develop dashboards for your clients, then each of your clients/projects must have an individual activated PRO license.

The license is purchased per project/customer. The number of users of dashboards and custom visuals for each of your customers (who have an individual activated PRO license) is unlimited..
If you purchase a license for your organization, the number of users within your organization is also unlimited.

The license is valid for a Lifetime. As well as updates.


Version 1.1.2 - 25th April, 2024
  • Custom Visuals:
  • Fixed: Column Chart Width of columns on small charts
  • Fixed: Issue with table column headers resizing when clicking on page
  • Fixed: Donut chart legend breaks chart
Version 1.1.1 - 21th March, 2024
  • Custom Visuals:
  • Update: Visual Icons in Visualization Pane
Version 1.1.0 - 1th February, 2024
  • Custom Visuals:
  • Update: Radial Chart legend position - Left and Right
  • Update: Donut Chart legend position - Left and Right
Version 1.0.0 - 10th January, 2024
  • Initial Released